My fault i indicated Hz it should be gauss.
Here it is from Walter Last website:
"With any kind of disease or just to improve your health I recommend to use the 
pulser frequently or regularly on any area where you suspect an inflammation or 
infection, be it acute or chronic, swollen lymph glands, on the tonsils and any 
tooth or jawbone positions that are not obviously completely healthy, e.g. 
where a tooth has been extracted or where there is a filling or a root pocket 
or receding gum. In addition pulse all the lymph glands in the neck, armpits 
and groins. When pulsing directly on a tumour I suggest that this is done only 
with a strong pulser of about 30 K Gauss or more, especially if the tumour is 
not close to the surface.
There are other types of much more expensive magnetic pulsers available that 
may be helpful in stimulating cellular rejuvenation. However, because of their 
much lower magnetic pulse intensity, they do not appear to inhibit any microbes 
or parasites but rather may stimulate their growth. "
My understanding is since cancer is caused by microbes, the more microbes grow, 
the more cancer grows too. 
I would love to have everyone's opinion that this is not so.