I can only speak for what CS has done for me with Lyme disease, which certainly has a host of co-infections. (I also have a Maltese who gets daily CS in his water.) I think it would probably help. I also give him some diatomaceous earth (google it) which is a real killer of prasites. (I take it for me as well; it comes highly recommended in my Lyme groups.)
Be well,
On Feb 5, 2012, at 6:35 PM, Ron Minnick wrote:

I would also like to know if you know or think that CS could do anything for a dog with giardia, or coccidia?

From: zzekel...@aol.com
Date: Sat, 4 Feb 2012 20:45:05 -0500
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>CS and dogs /skin issues//Joyce

if anyone else has done this and what more they can tell me about
using CS for dogs with skin issues or other issues.

Hi Joyce, I have used "Brooks Mix" on several skin problems for both pets & friends---It is 75% CS---10% DMSO & 15% glycerin. {used topically } & give it a shake to mix it as it will separate a bit.. was said to add the DMSO last as it heats up --not sure why but I do.. The heating isn't a problem--{ Many times skin problems are aligeries.}} Also---When I took one of my pups to a therapy dog schooling a Vet. there said with Lab type dogs that do get ear problems a good mix to use is--1/16th hydrogen peroxide with equal mix of white vinegar & distilled water... I use it as a cleaner about once a month.& did use it for an ear infection along with a squirt of CS later in the day ..Lois