
Warts are caused by a virus. (In the genital area, the virus is the HPV, or
Human Papilloma Virus.) If you were able to look far enough down into the
foot, you'd see a stem. Those miserable little things grow deep, unless


If you have a rife machine or other similar frequency device, you could use
the frequencies. A podiatrist (foot doctor) typically freezes the warts with
liquid nitrogen. But you can eliminate the wart yourself with various
commercial preparations. Most contain salicylic acid, which dissolves the
protein or keratin of which the wart is made. You could also use CS, but I
think CS would be more effective AFTER the tough outer covering of the wart
were removed with a caustic substance.


Another caustic substance is food grade hydrogen peroxide. Any strength over
3% would abrade or "burn" the skin, which in the case of a wart is exactly
what you'd want to do. Family Health News in Florida sells 9% hydrogen
peroxide, which undiluted would probably be caustic enough to do the job.


Other preparations use, besides salicylic acid, various essential oils.
Essential oils such as eucalyptus and oregano are quite caustic in their own
right if they're not diluted, so I think they'd be quite effective, though I
haven't tried them myself. Here's one: 






Nenah Sylver, PhD

author, the NEW Rife Handbook (2011)

Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy (2004)

VoiceBio and Biomodulator certification

 <http://www.nenahsylver.com> www.nenahsylver.com;
<http://www.rifehandbook.com> www.rifehandbook.com 


From: juga...@aol.com [mailto:juga...@aol.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2012 9:15 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>Question ??


I have a question for anyone who can help me ... I have what seems to be a
plantar's wart on both of my feet  ... the left foot is worse than the right
foot ... They are located on the top pads of both feet.  The area around the
warts is pretty hard, like a hard callous.  Several months ago someone on
this list said they had cured a wart by putting duct tape over the top of
the wart, left it on for 7 days and the wart came out at that time with a
long tail on it... I took your suggestion and placed duct tape on both feet
over the warts .. I left the tape on the warts for 8 days... when I took it
off, nothing had changed, I still had the warts.  One strange thing did
happen, since I put the duct tape on the wart on the left foot, the arch on
my left foot itches incessantly, the itching never stops.  Can anyone on
this list please offer me some suggestions as to how to remove these warts
without going to a doctor or using modern medicine?  I'm not a fan of either
of the above solutions.  Question... if I use the duct tape again and leave
it on longer than the 8 days, would I have any better success?  Truly, I am
at my wits end, the warts have gotten so sore it is making it very hard for
me to walk  .. When I do walk, afterwards my feet hurt so badly and I have a
burning sensation around the wart area.  Please, any and all suggestions
would be greatly appreciated... Thank you  .. Judy