Yes, get this...the hospital is supplying it.

On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 4:52 PM, HARSHA GODAVARI <> wrote:
> I hope that your friend has distilled water and not de-ionised or filtered
> water. Distilled water seems to be , essentially, unavailable.
> Regards
> hg
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: David AuBuchon <>
> Date: Thursday, March 15, 2012 4:56 pm
> Subject: CS>How long does a plain single 9V setup take to brew?
> To:
>> I am helping someone in India who I got to buy this unit:
>> (scroll down to the super silver option)
>> This is the only reasonable unit for sale that I have located in all
>> of India, btw.  It appears to be a single 9 volt with no
>> resistor.
>> Supplements plus this CS appears to be reversing the person's
>> otherwise terminal cancer.  But I need to have a better
>> sense of how
>> long it would take to brew say 15PPM with this unit.  My
>> guess is 45
>> minutes, total, wiping the electrodes every now and then?
>> The guy who
>> sells it seems to be unreachable at the moment.
>> Thanks,
>> David
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