It would seem to me she should find a Lyme literate doctor in her area and get 
that checked out first.
Where is she located? mastic gum (natural resin from a tree) is great for 
helping and protecting the stomach. That is easy to purchase from Amazon, lots 
of good brands.
On Apr 4, 2012, at 5:51 AM, wrote:

> Any suggestions for this person.....
> post appt w/ Dr Lacava for me and preg daughter. no answers. little 
> direction. said i am in "critical" condition. Said I need to see Dr Rea or Dr 
> Lieberman asap. He thinks this is full blown "lyme"...includes any tick borne 
> illness and wants me to continue nystatin, start diflucan and gradually one 
> at a time starting w/ azithromycin and then liquid mepron. I am terrified to 
> even try 1 diflucan. my esoph and stomach in past many attempts just will not 
> accept this products. i am raw from the nystatin over the course of the last 
> week or so. pains so bad in my stomach it feels like an ulcer. gotta get some 
> blood tests but nothing really outside the box for either of us. gotta get 
> updated MDL lyme panels, some fungal stool, the urine porphyrin (mine was neg 
> in past) and if i can afford the NK57...$143 for each. does not know what is 
> wrong w/ my daughter. he was glad to see real time labs results done. says
> we are majorly toxic. he does not exactly agree w/ the "dreaded gene type" 
> nor xmrv. if you are mold sensitive his office is not for you. it is very 
> moldy! exceptionally quiet. he did not suggest any iv therapy, supplements, 
> etc. have to get a venous o2 level done...w/out use of the tourniquette sp? i 
> did not leave w/ any confidence in  process but he did encourage us by saying 
> there is still hope. his cousin died recently w/ basically the same problems. 
> said she was completely worn out and weak and "presented" as I did. i am 
> tired folks...i am completely worn out. have lost everything but my life and 
> my faith although after all these long yrs it is certainly worn thin. I need 
> prayers....for my kids and self. i lack the funds and physical supports to 
> accomplish the next steps of securing a place to stay that is safe and 
> getting plans and funds in place to get 4 wk detox.