im  very much interested in  collidal silver / ionic- hydrosol,
ill  like to share with your  what learned so far.
you problably started out like me, buying a simple generator, mine  was too 
simple, just silver wires and cables no dc power unit,
so far  my understanding base on what i read in many sites, silver list  help 
clear much of my doubts.
collidal silver: is mostly  silver particles and some silver ions... if  it 
turns yellow is   normal but it shows aglomeration and  becomes less efective, 
still good but not as  good as clear solutions. ionic silver:  is more silver 
iones than silver particles. more efective than colloidal silver, less needs to 
be  taken to heal.silver hydrosol : is the purest form of all silver 
solutions.. extreamly efective at lower ppm.  even less is needed to heal
 ppm, only account silver particles not  silver ions content. silver ion 
content is  what makes  it an antibiotic and much more, not the silver 
particles or ppm. does have some benefits to health but why settle for less
to make silver hydrosol  you only need to control  the  current or amps.. 
better put less than 1mA, this makes mostly silver ions and few silver 
particles small enought to pass throut all cels and does not acumulate over 
time as with high ppm colloidal silver products.
i bought a laboratory grade  dc power source with constant voltage and constant 
current and limit current option and digital multimeter to pin piont the 
current. i grab a  old hdd and took it apart for  its magnet and used and old 
pc  colling fan to make a magnetic stirrer, just need to buy and magnetic bar, 
saved me over 200 dls this way.
any how i also  bought a zapper and after making my silver hydrosol at 8ppm i 
connecet the  zaper and set it at 528hz  dna reperaing and rapid  healing.. 
this is  call oxysilver, they sell it on the weeb  look it up.   oxysilver.
am making 20ltrs in 6 days this way.  it sure  does take a lot of time but 
youll be making to purest most silver ions saturated solution.     2 days ago i 
got foof poisoning and this silver  hydrosol with 528hz frequency got rid of it 
in 1.5 days.. my wife was furious because thiks i give to much credit to silver 
hydrosol. she surely thinks differently today.
check out my vids, you can see all the things i used.
only silver wires,  destille water, dc power souerce, digital multi meter, 
magnetic stirr and a 20ltrs crystal jar and a profesional zapper 0hz to 
200,000hz. i invested in all about 600dls.. well invested it seems.
hope this is  usefull to you.