What people don't fully understand about the home made product Melly, is that 
nothing adverse will happen.  Regarding the shop bought HVAC produced stuff, 
who knows and who cares cos I don't buy it?
If anyone has had any issue with home produced EIS, then THEY have done 
something to instigate that issue, it will NOT be as a result of the 
consumption of home produced LVDC EIS consumed in appropriate volumes and 
silver content strengths.
I have always maintained we have learned much from those who have tinkered with 
and travelled this EIS/CS road before us, and to this end we are, or *should* 
be, MUCH more enlightened, so there should be *NIL* issues with the home 
produced predominantly ionic silver solution.  I take my hat off to those who 
have gone before me in years past cos it's from those very people I have been 
able to make my own determinations.  And after several years of consumption and 
research...I haven't been proved wrong yet, and there would be many others who 
would say similar.
People can debate/argue this 'til hell freezes over, just not with me, I will 
stand by my beliefs/convictions 'til the day I draw my last breath, or turn 
some shade of the colour spectrum, whichever comes first <g>.  I live in the 
hope that MOST will eventually understand the LVDC home produced predominantly 
ionic silver solution much better than they seemingly do at the present point 
in time.
Disclaimer I spose: My considered, personal and researched opinion, others can 
make their own determinations on the subject <g>.

Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2012 19:42:16 -0700
From: tita_...@yahoo.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>Taking CS Daily

Neville and Scotty,
With you still around after taking daily doses of CS, i shall take the plunge 
Thanks so much for the encouragement.