I did 20 IV Chelations in Los Algodones, Mexico in 1995. Cost was $50 per  
IV. Then I did 10 IV Chelations per year until the last 3 years as 
maintenance.  The result was shown by before and after blood tests each year. 
first  Chelation removed 17 kidney stones and lots of plaque, which I verified 
by using  a kidney stone strainer. So for me I know what it does. Lately I 
use a do  it yourself system _http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D63THl-eNJQ_ 
(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D63THl-eNJQ) .  I have not verified this method 
with blood tests or used my strainer to check.  To get good results I had to 
increase my urine flow to at least 32 ounces per  day. I had to drink 
parsley tea to increase urine flow. As the kidneys must  get rid of anything 
broken loose by Chelation. One guy had junk broken loose  that lodged in his 
eye, loosing his sight in that eye. He said  that showed him to take more 
Chelations. Lately my blood pressure is  increasing, Chelations used to lower 
blood pressure, so I better try more do  it yourself Chelations. I also 
bought oral Chelation pills.If you do it yourself  Chelation you need to add 
vitamin C plus any other vitamin you take as Chelation  removes both the good 
with the bad.
In a message dated 4/24/2012 5:02:57 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  
kenancy2...@yahoo.com writes:

Does anyone have experience with chelation therapy?  How much does  it cost?