You did the correct thing.....
According to Dr. Mercola
During a root canal, there is no way to sterilize your  tooth; after the 
root canal, dangerous bacteria hide out in the tooth and are  unreachable with 
Root-canaled and filled teeth harbor bacteria that morph  into very toxic 
forms, which then can migrate to other tissues in your body and  cause 
serious medical conditions, including diseases of your heart, kidneys,  bones, 
brain  There is no other medical practice that permits leaving a  dead body 
part inside your body, because it triggers your immune system to  attack  
If you have a diseased tooth, or if you’ve already had a  root canal, I 
highly recommend consulting a biological dentist about have it  extracted 
In a message dated 4/27/2012 9:19:10 A.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

I would  choose losing the tooth over a root canal any day!