Silver has been used for around 10 years for burns and large wounds - still 
pretty expensive but naturally works very well - I had a patient with the same 
problem - same size and I soaked her arm everyday in a warm MII soap and 
Neutraliser solution since Renee had just introduced me to those products and I 
was v enthusiastic - it healed in 10 days - of course one "wasn't allowed to 
get water near it" results were amazing and the warm soapy water very 

The most silver I ever used on a patient was a girl who in a caesarian section 
with epidural who had been terribly burned by the diathermy they used - not 
feeling anything at the time - and the hospital had to pay for the dressings - 
it would have been about $70 a day for the dressings alone. 3rd degree burns on 
both upper thighs. Awful.

  From: Harold 

  Recently, my 89 year old neighbour lady had a severe fall in which a flap of 
skin approx. 2” x 5” was peeled back off her shin.The Dermatologist specialist 
said a skin graft would normally be the procedure ,but, in her case, being 89+, 
this was too risky.He ,instead, used a silver impregnated bandage to dress 
it.This bandage had to be replaced every day.After a few days the Dr. was very 
pleased as the wound was healing beautifully.Needless to say,both she and her 
husband were pleased too.

  Glad to know some of them are getting the message.
