> Hello,
> I am new to this list and wanted to know if anyone knows of possible
> allergies to CS. I asked my physician about it, and although she is
> usually OK with alternative treatments, she was a little leery of CS
> for me since I am allergic to some other metals.
> Nellie
> Christ, my all  <><

Hi Nellie,
We had one other list member a year or so back who had a rather
severe reaction to her first dose of home-made CS. It had all the
hallmarks of a toxic shock reaction, dizziness, lightheadedness,
rapid pulse, nausea, ... really nasty and of *very* rapid onset.

Dear Mike and Nellie, Do you think maybe a drop of CS scratched into the
wrist skin, like an allergy test, would work to show allergic reactions??

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