That's a great question.  Perhaps you could also ask this "expert" to
produce data that shows it's dangerous.  We'd all like to see that.  ;-)

On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 10:39 AM, Lena Guyot <> wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> I've used my Silver Puppy-generated CS/EIS for several years now to great
> benefit and, of course, share that info with others who could benefit also.
> One Lymie friend has recently been warned against using CS by a person
> studying to get her degree in nutritional counseling, saying that CS is
> dangerous. She's asked me for any link or document she can give this woman.
> I've given the standard answer about bad equipment and bad water, about big
> pharma pushing the media to trot out the Smurf guy to scare the 'sheep' to
> deter them from using something good that won't ever bring big profits (and
> is gaining popularity by those who shun the black-box pharma drugs.)
> We need to educate this would-be 'counselor'! Has anyone got a pdf or link
> that could help?
> Thanks, and be well,
> Léna

Alan Jones

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor
prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or
to the people."  (Tenth Amendment to the US Constitution)