Sounds like a promotion add to me... CS is CS, some has more silver than 
others, thus the ppm is higher, but not always needed.

Tel Tofflemire


 From: Janet R. Perry <>
To: Silver List <> 
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2012 10:58 AM
Subject: CS>ACS 200
Anyone familiar with this product?

The label says:

ACS 200
Extra Strength
Advanced Cellular Silver
2 Fl Oz 200 ppm

Maintenance: 5 sprays by mouth  2-3 times a day
Higher Dose: 10 Sprays 4 times a day

Other Ingredients: nano distilled water


I would love to hear any feedback on what exactly this is. It does not say 
colloidal or silver-protein anywhere on the bottle. When I called the company 
the rep said he did not know if it was silver protein and would have a 
technical person contact me. That was over a week ago and I have not heard back.

This was recommended to a friend of mine by a nurse practitioner for treating 
chronic Lyme Disease. He was told to take 10 sprays 3-4 times a day.

My understanding, and please someone correct me if I am wrong, is that any 
silver solution this high in concentration (over 20 or 30 ppm?) must be silver 
protein or some other silver compound, in other words a preparation that is not 
colloidal or ionic or monoatomic silver.

The ingredients list does say Other Ingredients: nano distilled water which 
leaves me wondering what nano distilled water is?

Thanks for any feedback,


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