After someone on this list spoke of this book, I bought it and YES, it helps 
alot, a very small invertment for a BIG HELP.....Kathy
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Sara Mandal-Joy 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2012 1:22 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>The book, Pain Free, by Pete Egoscue

  YES YES YES YES...  it has given me back my life.  It does take time and 
consistency - during acute phases of dealing with my injury I was spending 1 
and a half hours a day doing these poses/exercises.  That went on for maybe a 
month, then down to about 40 minutes.  Now I do a maintenance 20 minutes 
usually every day, though I skip from time to time.  Everyone I have spoken to 
who has given this a serious try has been significantly helped.  WELL worth 
your time and effort.  I started with the book from the library, but bought one 
very quickly, and have had to replace a few times when it didn't return after 
being lent out.  I believe every home should have one of this book.   Sara

  On 9/18/2012 1:07 PM, Deborah Gerard wrote: 
    I have osteoarthritis in my neck. I have been searching for some natural 
help and am not finding anything. Has anyone had any experience with the book 
Pain Free, by Pete Egoscue?

    Thanks in advance,