Years ago I read an article by a Brit med ass. that said that therapeutic
doses of
C caused. Cancer.  That flies in the face of everything else.  I
immediately classified it Bull ....something. I take about 5 grams a day.
See Also, *Practicing Medicine Without a License, *Owne Fonorow*.
On Sun, Nov 4, 2012 at 11:24 AM, Paul <> wrote:

>  Hi Dee,
> Can you tell us where this information comes from?  I have a personal
> and commercial interest in Lipo Vit C and this goes against absolutely
> everything I've ever learnt, but I'm a truth seeker and want to see all
> angles, so please if you have some information it would be much
> appreciated if you'll share.  I R&D every day like a hawk and have never
> heard anything of this kind **except** that small doses of Vit C could
> help cancer survive, because it changes its behaviour in a dose
> dependant manner, and the idea is to hit is quick and very hard, and not
> to pussy foot around with it with RDA levels of 60-65mg etc.  It can be
> a pro-oxidant and an anti-oxidant dependent on dose and environment.
> Regards
> Paul
> On 04/11/2012 19:41, wrote:
>  The only problem is, I am on another list which strongly suggests that
> taking supplemental Vit C can actually **help** cancer to survive.  I
> would be interested to hear any comments on this.  dee