Gary, I am in no hurry, your order went out a 3 days ago, you should get it any 
day now.

The best way to get me is the way you just did. I check Yahoo several times a 
day.  I want you to be happy with this treatment, both with the method, and the 
Dollar amount.
let paypal ride, I don't think that will be very high, and I can cover all of 

If I get a $20 dollar bill out of this I can take care of shipping, paypal and 
be happy Your getting cured.

Tel Tofflemire

 From: Gary Hilt <>
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2012 3:20 PM
Subject: CS>Calling Tel

Hey Tel coundnt remember your sight or how to get in touch. Answer when you can 
so we can settle up
Thanks gary


Eph 1:2  Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord 
Jesus Christ. 
Gary & Lennie