Hello Guys...

Iam a bit confused, as far as I understand there exists 3 types of CS i know of: a.) Ionic based (What we all produce at home and prefer, b.) Particle based (which is said to not be able to kill pathogens because it lacks the positive charge that atracts negatively charged pathogens) and c.) The Ag4O4 compund which has the ability to steal multiple electronics instead of one comapred to the ION which can only steal one.

My question is:

a.) Who makes this compound? I have seen ASAP from American Biotech Labs (http://amsilver.com/ablDifference1.html) however their patent ( http://www.google.com/patents/US7135195 ) tells about making colloids (99% particles) so I dont understand how they get the Ag4O4 coating? Or os it that simply but doing an HVAC process we automatically get the Ag4O4 coatings on the particles?

b.) Does anybody know of other products that work with Ag4O4?



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