Most cholesterol isn¹t gotten from diet ­ it is produced by the liver and is
used throughout the body to repair it.  There are only a couple of foods
i.e. eggs ­ that contain cholesterol. dee

From: Rachel Hawkridge <>
Reply-To: "" <>
Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2012 13:00:19 -0800
To: "" <>
Subject: CS>Vitamin D sunshine conversion
Resent-From: "" <>
Resent-Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2012 13:00:22 -0800

mborg (mazy?) said <<I live in Wash. state where it rains.  but in Sept to
Oct if you sit in early morning sun for 20 min 2 to 3 times a week, you have
stored enough for 3-4 months, this info is also from the gov. web site >>

One of the problems with this (and most people/sites who think they know Vit
D), is that we don't make Vitamin D from sunshine.

Our body takes cholesterol (from diet) and converts it with sun - so anyone
on a low fat (government recommended) diet is going to be deficient.


Peace . . .

Rachel Hawkridge
in a NE Seattle 'burb