BTW, i moved to california a year before doing tx.  had to move in with ma
to be caregiver.
fortunately grew a couple pounds of fine med marijuana and smoked my way
through tx.  it helped a lot with tolerating sides but sure didn't counter
the anemia any.
it appears weed doesn't interfere with tx except maybe if one is trying to
work a job through the whole ordeal.
it was all i could do to prepare meals for ma (whose only pleasure left
day-to-day is food) when i could hardly stay on my feet, and the sight or
smell of food would make me run for the toilet where i would alternately
puke/poop or try to..  mostly try to.  everything tasted like nothing but
too dry texture...  week helped appetite and more. 


From: finplan65 [] 
Sent: Sunday, December 23, 2012 4:44 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Ag4O4 ... hepC...CS + Tx

I am a newbie with using CS and am fascinated with what I am learning here.
Can someone please comment on the following quotation? 

 " i tried for months drinking most of a liter/day
of CS with Ag4O4 in it.  i am chicken to inject it or ozonate it without
lots more info.  i suspect it doesn't get into the blood from the gut much
or at all."

Does this mean CS is not very useful for systemic infections if taken


From: bob Larson <>
Sent: Sunday, December 23, 2012 5:51 PM
Subject: CS>Ag4O4 ... hepC...CS + Tx

only ions will move a TDS meter, correct?

i don't know what Ag4O4 Antelman used on dr. graves, probably kept part of
it secret?  that "cure" was one injection straight into the liver or hepatic
arteries somewhere, so no problem getting through the belly to the blood.
patent abstracts (applications?) re Ag4O4 are interesting... antelman
applied for one or more, don't know if approved.
i saw one where someone (at leat tries to) patent a use of Ag4O4 that has
been "activated" with O3 ozonation.
i bought Silspa, which is a product marketed for hot tub/spa water
treatment, i guess a chlorine alternative.  under $30 for a pint, incl
it's Ag4O4, and it's pretty dark.  concentrated.  it says to use their
activator with it...whatever that is...  this stuff is mfgd by N.Jonas & Co.
people who have tried to get Ag4O4 direct from them have reported receiving
very unfriendly calls from some enforcement arm. 

i tried using the Ag4O4 many ways alone & also along with CS.  trying to
deal with hepC, i had great success with recovering from a deathspin &
staying symptom free & feeling good/functional with EIS/CS but adding or
substituting the Ag4O4 didn't seem to do anything.  viral load & liver
enzymes (with corresponding damage) continued on their own course of
progresson into fibrosis.  i tried for months drinking most of a liter/day
of CS with Ag4O4 in it.  i am chicken to inject it or ozonate it without
lots more info.  i suspect it doesn't get into the blood from the gut much
or at all.  

i got rid of the hepC this year with the inf/riba/boceprevir combo for 28
weeks from the VA.  if i'm still clear in april it's called a "cure".
biopsy said stage 3 fibrosis, which meant NOT time to wait a couple more
years for the new shorter Tx without interferon...  it did suck, but not as
bad as stories i've read over the years.

i stopped CS & LDN before starting Tx, but had to use CS in my waterpik
(spit out) to deal with the dental issues i was stuck with until platelets
go back up.  i tried to find out here & around if anyone knew if anyone did
tx while using CS and if there was any problem, but no replies here &
nothing around the web.... i can now say waterpiking a 1/2 cup or more CS
per day (spitting most out) didn't seem to hamper my tx at all, and might
have helped as i went UNDetectable after 4weeks of boceprevir and stayed
there.  towards the end of tx my immune system was run down & i'd drink CS
to keep from getting colds/flu.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alex Flex [] 
> Sent: Sunday, December 23, 2012 9:37 AM
> To:
> Subject: CS>American Biotech Labs review (ASAP 10 Silver Solution)
> Hello List,
> I recently bought two bottles of Ag4O4 colloidal silver from American 
> Biotech Labs review (ASAP 10PPM Silver Solution) and I wanted 
> to share 
> my experience and get an opinion.
> I noticed that there was no taste of this, it was like 
> tasting regular 
> water... SO i went and took my TDS meter and it measured 3ppm  only!!
> Could anybody tell me if this is some kind of mistake... ? Or has 
> anybody before seen such measure?
> Alex
> --
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