Date: Thu, 27 Dec 2012 16:17:37 -0500
Subject: Re: CS>the wog ? I think I know

In a message dated 12/27/2012 9:33:37 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
  obviously just an expression that Neville uses to describe some 
malady.  I don't think anyone should start getting 
  offended.  I call such
things the dreaded lurgy or some such.  
  Horses for courses.  dee

Hang on --- I think it may be when Neville has reached his 
boiling point--- chuckle, grin :-) I luv Neville----- WOGWater-Oil-Gas 
(valves, pressure) WOG is a do-not-exceed pressure, 
## "Water/Oil and Gas pressure - LOL - Very good Lois, I like that <BG>.
Of course there is no offence meant, it's just an old word, besides, I hate to 
see any old mannerisms unique to a people or culture slowly disappear just 
because some idiot came up with the idea of this 'political correctness' 
rubbish, that causes more trouble than it's worth by putting a wedge between 
people.  Good grief, Santa can't even say HO HO HO anymore, what *IS* this 
world coming to?
People can call me white trash, hunky or honky or however it's pronounced, or 
dumb Aussie any time they want, I've been called much worse than that <g>, my 
life will still go on.
"Dreaded lurgy" is a new one on me though, never heard of that one, see, 
learning all the time, isn't multiculturalism wonderful <g>.