*Ref:  I make my CS (lately) by the HVAC method using a 9kv neon
         transformer and a jug.................

To Charles King and other HV users, my business was high voltage
for 40 years and yes, I was nearly electrocuted a few times - locked
up with 2,000, 24,000 and once 55,000 volts AC. You stand there
with a arc to your finger (never point and say "this is where the HV is")
every muscle from it down to your toes locked, including your chest, 
you can not even moan, and the other end if the arc out the side of
your shoe to ground. In between, the current passes thru blood vessels,
as they are salty (good conductors), and rupture a lot of blood cells.
There is no pain while you are being fried but afterwards the holes
burned in your skin are the same as if you took a hot needle to make
them. If you are unlucky, the current passes across your chest (from
left arm to right foot, etc.) and then your heart may defibrulate and you
die. There are 3 fatal current levels, which I do not recall exactly but
they are close to 2-5ma, 20-50ma and 1-3 amps, which can cause
your heart to defibrulate. The fortunate thing is that your brain is not
effected (unless its touching ground or the HV) and you can plan your
escape - I have always been able to very, very slowly bend backwards
until I fell and broke the HV contact. Once, my chief engineer stood
behind me too frightened to touch me or to even push the OFF button,
while I drew a 6 inch arc (55,000 volts 250 KW unit) and the smell of
my burning flesh permeated the air for a full minute. After I fell, I 
reached up and turned off the power - the moral is "do not count on
getting any help", you can not even swear at the jerk!

The neon sign transformers are great for making bug electrocuters -
use 1/2" wire mesh cylinders with marbles between them as insulators,
(be careful of falling 'flaming' bugs-  I made a few grass fires that way).
They also can output current in the fatal human electrocution region. The
built-in current limiting means they will not blow a fuse if shorted by
your body but just keep on cookin! Once I had one on my concrete porch
and a snake tried to crawl thru to get a cooked bug and was cut in half by
the steady arcing. 

Technically, re: Cs production:
Adding the 10 meg resistor would limit your current to less then 1 ma.
which may be non-productive! Say your electrodes were sized and
spaced so you start at 0.5 ma. Now that would make a drop on your
10meg resistor of 5 KV so your solution is seeing 4 KV. As you produce
ions your current rises to 0.9ma and the process stops as the solution
now sees nearly zero volts. That is a weak solution (less then twice what
you started at) and the question is "if you are now using just a few volts
why did you go to 9KV"? Just a Power freak?

That brings up a pet complaint of mine - with all the government
regulations and stupid electrical codes why do they allow neon
signs and transformers in restaurant windows where children are
guaranteed to touch them? We do have "Government, by the stupidest!"


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