It's a never ending battle of getting rid of "stuff"
but Paul one of the things you could try is humaworm
I have lyme too
and that is my latest thing (seems to be working pretty good)
you can read his testimonail page

i also like the barefoot stuff
but i do not agree with barefoots orange juice diet...
it's too much sugar for me at this stage in my health...

Hope something in here helps!

On 27.01.2013 09:51, Bob Banever wrote:
DE will only work if you have worms in your intestines. Zeolite might
work better as micronized or liquid zeolites are small enough to get
into the bloodstream.



FROM: Paul Steel []
 SENT: Sunday, January 27, 2013 6:41 AM
 SUBJECT: Re: CS>Pinworms

I have lyme and think i have had pinworms for a long time and just
figured out that i have them...I have used DE quite a bit over the
last few years...So not sure it really helped with this...I will start
adding a heaping tablespoon to my morning smoothie again

Paul Steel

h 508.520.6905

c 508.922.0519

The harder you work the luckier you get!


FROM: Katherine Ecker <>
 TO: "" <>
 SENT: Sunday, January 27, 2013 9:38 AM
 SUBJECT: Re: CS>Pinworms

 I wonder if DE would work if you have any hanging around

 Legacy Manor
 "The Way Food Used to Taste" [1]

 On Jan 27, 2013, at 9:30 AM, Paul <> wrote:

 > I'm thinking that I might have pinworms. Yea me. Anyways was
thinking about getting pin x at the drug store but wondering if there
is any other options out there?
 > Thanks all
 > Paul
 > Sent from my iPhone
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