steve barwick wants a usory fortune for hisw simplistic CS generator and his
12ga .999 silver wire.
this guy is predatory by my definition, and part of the CS blight around the
net that brings about or encourages bad attitudes re CS .... pharma doesn't
need more scumbags to point at.


From: [] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2013 9:43 AM
Subject: Re: CS> We know they're doing it. We also know the truth !

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<> Slams Colloidal Silver; Paid $3.5 Million By Merck Pharmaceuticals

Why does the popular health website,, continue to spread
misinformation and falsehoods about colloidal silver? We may have found the
answer. See more, below. 

Hi, Steve Barwick here, for
<> ... 

As you likely know, is one of the internet's main purveyors of
misinformation and outright falsehoods about colloidal silver and its usage.

And the popular website's misguided views on colloidal silver are often
quoted by skeptics and naysayers who like to scare the bejabbers out of
potential new colloidal silver users. 

Last year, in an effort to educate to the error of their ways, I
showed readers how to use the "User Reviews" function on the site
to post positive reviews about colloidal silver. 

You can see my article <> , here.
And if you have the time, please feel free to go post
LVER.aspx?drugid=779&drugname=COLLOIDAL+SILVER&sortby=3> a nice positive
review of colloidal silver to the website, while it's still on
your mind.