Well, I'm just gunna have to say something to this.
My home made unit works perfectly and brews perfectly suitable and high quality 
EIS/CS, and if most other people had the opportunity to laboratory test their 
product made using home made units they might just find out how good their 
product is too when compared to all the bullsh*t in the public domain.
If you know of *ANY* other purchasable LVDC machine that produces anything 
different to what I produce, please tell, I'm all ears.
Ode is no idiot, and his machine is by all accounts a good machine, but the 
only thing his has that mine doesn't is auto polarity reversal and it shuts 
itself down.  Both his and anyone elses homemade machine will produce the same 
product, and certainly not of any lesser quality.
I take nothing away from the Puppy, and Ode wouldn't give a sh*t if I did 
anyway, and he IS a great resource who won't feed you bullsh*t all day, but 
don't suggest any purchased machine produces anything different to that of a 
home made machine, because the simple truth is...they don't.  It comes down to 
an individuals choice to set a timer and manually swap electrodes over for 
him/herself or get a machine that you can set and forget.
My recommendation is....If you can build one, build one - good quality EIS/CS 
will come.  If you don't think you can build one, then buy one - the same 
quality EIS/CS will still come.
So I guess I can proudly raise my hand and answer YES to both your questions. 
Oh, and there's no clumsy generation or chaos with my home built unit, not like 
I can't spare an hour or two in any given day <g>.

From: k...@voitel.name
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2013 11:21:03 -0500
Subject: CS>Generator Recommendation

There are a lot of home built generator plans on the internet.
There is a lot more technical information on colloidal silver.  A lot of BS as 
A lot of these plans require skills that lots of people don’t have.
The clumsy generation is not good for most people that really need CS.
So I have to ask you two questions:
Do you want to be a home generator builder and be a silver brew watcher?
Or do you want to make good Colloidal Silver and use it well?
If you answered yes to the second question than I recommend buying a generator.
I got the recommendation for buying the Silver Puppy CS stirring generator on 
this list.
None of my home built generators came close to making Colloidal Silver like my 
Silver Puppy.
The Puppy has been in use for years now.  The chaos of homebuilt generators is 
in the past.
Ode is a great resource that supports the Puppy.