Perhaps you should correspond with Don Croft at   
He wrote to me that he donated some of his original zappers to people in Africa 
where he saw it cure HIV/AIDS.

From: Alex Flex <>
Sent: Thu, February 21, 2013 5:10:49 PM
Subject: Re: CS>hiv testimonial - CS did not work for me.

Also by the way.... please dont reply to me suggesting zappers, I have invested 
countless hours trying to find testimonials of zappers working or doing 
positive to my condition and I just could not find such thing.

In fact there is one testimonial I did find where it says it failed for him: , I also researched and bought Hulda Clarks 
book "The cure to HIV and AIDS" book to learn about her zapper protocol... it 
turns out she had several testimonials of people cured but that was before the 
HIV viral load had been launched... when it was launched she learned she did 
cure anybody the virus was still there. I did rescue a very good tip from her 
though which is to screen for parasites and take those very seriously prasites 
will lower CD4 and increase viral activity.

Now, iam doing the same as the URL quoted, as well as this one:  which is to consume Olive Leaf.... 
there is another testimonial out there:  . I have next screening in 1 month if 
its anything valuable I will share...

For the folks that have HIV and are reading this... if you are not on 
yet be very carefull on what you elect as supplements... once you  have HIV its 
only a matter of time when you can lower your CD4s and require medication... 
pick wisely and look for natural substance that either have PROVEN RECENT 
testimonials, or a placebo controlled clinical study... otherwise dont waste 
your energy. My two cents.


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