I use four 9s and brew 3-4 hrs.

On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 8:45 PM, Debbie Phelps <djphel...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Well, I finally got around to making some more CS with my 3 nines, some
> wire and distilled water, and this time, it turned out fine.  Putting in a
> little bit from a previous batch did the trick.  I guess the water was just
> too pure and there wasn't enough conductivity.  I only put in a teaspoon,
> but boy, it sure did the trick!  In 45-50 minutes I had a really strong
> batch (stronger than I usually have after that amount of time), and diluted
> it with more DW until the tyndale effect was what I normally get.  Now I
> have lots for a long time!
> Thanks for all your help, everyone!
> Debbie