I'm responding to your post regarding argyia on the silverlist.

Regarding heavy metal chelation, I still have several teeth with mercury
amalgams and I regularly use natural chelators to eliminate mercury. I
suggest that in addition to laser treatments you also help your body
eliminate silver and other metals with a natural chelator like zeolite
powder or serrapeptase.  I found serrapeptase on Amazon in Europe at a
reasonable price.  Zeolite is available everywhere ; it is the crushed
mineral used in cat litter boxes.  More finely crushed it is used to
chelate heavy metals like mercury, silver, aluminum, etc from the body. It
is also sold as activated zeolite powder which I assume seems it has
radioactive properties.  (1 teaspoon three times a day in a glass of
water--drink with a plastic straw because its gritty.) DMSA is used for the
same purpose in medically supervised protocols or to self treat, but is
suitable in the short term. You want something long term.

You mention you are already working with clay. In France Monmorillonite
clay (green clay) is also used as a chelator of heavy metals.  The clay is
green because it contains plant fossils. One teaspoon of clay powder in a
large glass of water (stir with a wooden or plastic spoon).  Do this in the
evening.  In the morning, drink only the water and put the sediment  in
your garden. This eliminates the risk of constipation from consuming clay
and is an inexpensive long term treatment with many other health benefits.
 Clay also has radioactive properties.  Have you tried testing clay mud
packs on part of your body to see if they help?

In TCM, lung toxicity would be a first consideration, then the liver, but
the treatment would still address environmental factors.

Just a few thoughts I want to share with you.
Wishing you well and looking forward to hearing of your progress on the

Best wishes,
