oozing on the muggy shore of the gulf coast
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Greetings beautieous jewels of the CS art,

 The composition of tissue fluid is similar to that of blood plasma. It
is a colorless or yellowish fluid possessing an alkaline reaction, a
salty taste and a faint odor. When examined under the microscope, it is
seen to consist of cells floating in a clear liquid. Lets look at the
composition of blood plasma and lymph (tissue fluid):
                         Blood plasma               lymph
  Specific gravity           1.05                    1.02
  Red cells                many                      a few
  White cells              many                 granulocyte count lower
                                                lymphocyte count higher 
  Blood platelets           many                     none
  Blood proteins         high content             low content
  Waste products         low content              high content
  Nutrients              high content             low content
  clotting                 quickly                   slowly
  Colloidal protein       high                     low; gobulin absent
  Water,sugar,salt are about the same concentration in both

  The process of tissue fluid formation is continual. The lymph system
supplements the capillaries and veins in the return of tissue fluid to
the blood. Its composition is the consequence of the varying needs and
wastes of different tissues at different times. The loss and gain
average out and its composition is pretty constantly maintained. The
fluids in the serous, cerebrospinal,synovial cavities, the eye and ear
vary. The lymph drainage  system is called the lymph vascular system.
Even with this drainage fluid may accumulate in the tissue spaces. In
the tissues we find the *closed ends* of minute lymph capillaries, which
are comparable to and often larger than the blood capillaries. The lymph
capillaries unite to form *lymphatics* , the lymphatics form into large
vessels until they converge into two large ducts; the thoracic duct and
right lymphatic duct. These ducts empty the lymph into the vein system
and return the lymph to the blood system. The lymphatic system has
valves in it ,which forces the lymph to go in one direction only. There
is no pump as such, the fluid being forced to move by the action of your
muscles and respiration (breathing). Deep breathing,as in exercise,
helps the lymph move, as well as the contraction of the muscles while
exercising. A normal body without regular exercise is a body half dead
from toxin build up and no lymphatic flow.It can not be stressed enough
how important exercise is to the body. We have evolved as active
 The lymph capillaries are a single layer of endothelial cells, having a
dentated outline. In general the lymph vessels accompany and are closely
parallel to the veins. Lynph vessels are found in every tissue and organ
that contains blood vessels. In the interior of the body they lie in the
submucous tissue throughout the whole of the length of the
gastropulmonary and genitourinary tracts. They are in the first three
layers of the mucous membrane,the epithelium,basement membrane and
stroma.Refer to part two. The lymphatics that have their orgin in the
villa and micro villa of the small intestine are called *lacteals*.
During the process of digestion they are filled with chyle,which is
white from the fat proteins in it. The lymphatics carry tissue fluid
(lymph) from the tissues to the veins. Here it becomes mixed with the
blood, enters the superior vena cava, and then the right atrium of the
  Lymph nodes are small, oval or bean shaped bodies which are in the
lymphatic system. They vary in size from a pin head to almound size. 
All lymph must pass thru at least one lymph node on its way back to the
blood. This is vital to the health of the body.
 A node has a slight depression on one side called a *hilus*. The lymph
vessels enter and leave through the hilus. The node contains fibrous
bands called *trabeculae* which divide the node,dividing it into
irregular spaces, which communicate freely with each other. The
irregular spaces are occupied by a mass of lymphoid
tissue,which,however,does not fill them but leaves a narrow channel for
the passage of lymph. The lymph enters by the *afferent*
vessels,circulates through the node and leaves by the *efferent*
vessels. No lymph ever reaches the blood with passing through at least
one node.  

  Bless you  Bob Lee 

oozing on the muggy shore of the gulf coast

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