I'll second that.  There is no place for such language here.

 From: yousouf eydatoula <ey...@yahoo.com>
To: "silver-list@eskimo.com" <silver-list@eskimo.com> 
Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2013 8:26 PM
Subject: Re: CS>RAIN WATER

I object to your "WTF". 

 From: 123 456 <whiteol...@gmail.com>
To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2013 3:13 PM
Subject: Re: CS>RAIN WATER

But  saline means  salt and salt has impurities too.
WTF  are  you  saying then????

On 8/20/13, Joyce Miller
 <jmillerwo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> *The ONLY type of water you should use is distilled water, which has been
> distilled by water distillation (not reverse osmosis).* There are NO
> exceptions. All other types of water have too many impurities. While water
> impurities help speed up the cooking of the colloidal silver, the minerals
> in the water can bind to the silver particles and may eventually create a
> health condition known as argyria. Argyria is a condition where the skin
> turns grey or blue-grey because of taking high doses of impure colloidal
> silver over time. It is very difficult to reverse the condition, so it
> should be avoided.(http://www.cancertutor.com/Cancer02/CSilver.html)me info
> is at http://www.thesilveredge.com/faq.shtml
> One site -- http://www.bigclive.com/silver.htm --  says "If you want to
> make pure colloidal silver, then you will need to use distilled water.
> While this is easily available in the USA, it's hard to come by in the UK
> and the purchase of a very expensive water distiller will be required.
> Personally I think that tap water is fine, particularly if the silver is
> being drunk immediately."
> Another site, http://educate-yourself.org/cs/csarticle2.shtml, says : The
> first type of product is the classic, original kind, usually called
> "electro-colloidal silver." This product is made either by the
> "electro-arc" method in
 deionized water, or by the "low voltage
> electrolysis" method in distilled water. This product is usually found in
> concentrations between 3-5 ppm (parts per million), but sometimes as high
> as 100 ppm. Properly made, this product consists of microscopic particles
> of pure, elemental silver suspended in water, with no other elements
> present. Each particle of silver carries a POSITIVE electrical charge.
> Colloidal silver made this way appears either transparent-clear or
> transparent-light yellow.
> And still another site says to not use anything but distilled water if it
> is going to be drunk by people: http://www.keelynet.com/biology/colloid.htm
> If the Silver Colloid is to be ingested or injected, be sure to
> use distilled water. Tap water is fine for other uses, such as
> for a
 topical spray or for plants. Also, before beginning to
> make your Colloidal Silver you will need to make a saline
> solution for enhancing conductivity.
> On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 11:00 AM, Gladys Williams
> <gwms...@optonline.net>wrote:
>> I think I remember someone on the list saying in a pinch you could use
>> rain water
>> to make CS.  Is this true?  And what is the danger of making CS from
>> Spring Water?
>> Thank you in advance for your responses?
>> GWilliams
> --
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