It is my strong belief (theory?) - backed up with
personal experience - that EIS is a mild biocide,
unlike Big Pharma's toxic concoctions.
I mean by that, EIS kills quickly, but doesn't
slam the body with unbalancing side-effects. It is
also rapidly removed from the body because of it's
very small size.
Therefore, when I use a nebulizer, I use one
longer time period first thing, then several
shorter dose/times throughout the day - maybe 4 to
6 at evenly timed intervals.
It has worked well for me. Limited to once or
twice a day just gives a roller coast of returning
disease if all the buglets aren't killed the first
round (which is unlikely,)

DO as you would
   be DONE BY

-----Original Message-----
From: Neville Munn []
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 10:29 PM
Subject: RE: CS>HORRIBLE SHINGLES...update

That's actually what she's saying, but that fluid
cough returned on day 12 so got her to nebulise
approx 10ml EIS this morning, day 15 Thursday.


Subject: Re: CS>HORRIBLE SHINGLES...update
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 10:35:33 -0400

PHN feels like deeper tissue spasm: not so much a
surface feeling. L

On Aug 27, 2013, at 6:00 AM, Neville Munn wrote:

  Still a little pain in one area apparently,
maybe that's slight PHN?
