HI Mike,
    Thank you for the welcome.  I've included the message below and am 
looking forward to any and all suggestions.
Thank you,

Why don't you re-send this message to the list posting address, since the
only ones to see it were the list-bot and me, the list owner.

> Hi,
>     A neighbor introduced my husband and I to CS two weeks ago when I had 
> flu.  It shortened the time I had it.  
>     Both of us are interested in prevention, rather than treatment of 
> disease.  We take vitamins, eat to maintain healthy bodies and limit our 
> "indulgences."  
>     We just ordered a generator and made our first batch of CS.  I read the 
> dosage as two teaspoons, versus four as therapeutic.  Is this daily?  
>     As novices, we're learning and would appreciate any information you 
> Thank you,
> Gail Welborn
> rogg...@aol.com

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List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@id.net>