Hi Lew,

Do you need to use the cognac bottles to create the vortex? In case I can't
find them, how long and thin would the neck have to be and does it have to
have a lip.? Could you do it as David suggested with one smaller bottle
pouring into a larger? Does the strength or size of the magnets you attach
make a difference?

And, most importantly, what is the difference in usage of this structured
water from the magnetized one that I've been making per your instructions of
standing the bottles on a magnet for about ten hours? Would you reccomend
one over the other for regular drinking?

Also, I wanted to ask you -- someone on the list felt that combining north
and south water would cancell out their charges? What do you think of that?

Oh, and is there any damage to the magnetized water if I leave it sitting on
it's magnet for longer than 12 hrs?

My usuall millions of questions -- hope you don't mind.

Tkae care,

> Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 03:24:23 +0700
> From: fhlew <fh...@tm.net.my>
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com, wong...@aol.com
> Subject: Re: CS>Vortex made easy
> Message-ID: <380e24f6.be8f1...@tm.net.my>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>              Hi Wong,
>                                     You wrote:
>                                         <Wouldn't just swirling water in a
> bottle to create
>                 a vortex...........or it's just to pass by the magnets?>
>                                       I use swan-necked bottles labelled N and
> S to make
>    magnetized water and I  use either one to create a vortex.  A Cognac
>    Otard  0.7 litre bottle has a long  and slender neck with a pulp stopper.
>    Cognac Otard bottle comes in two colours: Transparent and Deep Green. I
>     rather  you choose the transparent one.  My buddies  gave me a carton
>    of Cognac Otard bottles- empty ones  !  See if you can get a pair of this
> type
>     If you have a N and a S magnet and two slender neck bottles with
> over-hanging
>     lips like that of the Cognac Otard bottle, you are on to create  a
> vortex.
>     Firstly,  fix the magnets 3'' above the broadest part of the bottle.   I
> usually fill
>     the bottle with distilled water leaving the upper two and a half inches
> empty. I add
>     a teaspoonful of colloidal minerals to the  bottle of distilled water. I
> leave it for
>     10 minutes for revitalization while I get ready the other bottle.You will
> notice
>     that the circular borders of the bottle's mouth overhang  the slender neck
> of the
>      bottle by 1/2 ". So when  you invert  the filled bottle with fixed
> over the
>     waiting, empty bottle and  the two properly aligned and balanced, what you
> see
>     is something looking  very much like an elongated hourglass. You will see
> Nature's
>     forces at work creating a vortex  of churning water above and water
> pass
>     the magnets to splash  into the receptacle bottle below. Honestly, I do
> know
>     which direction I must swirl because I am living near the equator. I just
> simply
>     make a swirling motion a few times and down it.
>                     I really  hope you can get hold of two discarded Cognac
> Otard bottles
>     for your experiment and use. These shapely bottles make attractive
> ornaments.
>    With regards
>        Lew

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