More often, the color shows the presence of silver oxide pigment.
 A  nano particle can be smaller than that which absorbs blue light.
A nano particle of "what" ?? Metallic Silver? Silver Hydroxide? Silver Oxide ?
If using a buffer, silver carbonate or chloride ?

When used and how much H2O2 has different effects.
If put it into the brew water as you brew, it will promote the growth of metallic silver particles over silver hydroxide particles..even to the point of making shiny metal flakes suitable for a paint job which will, over time, oxidize and sink to the bottom as fluffy black balls as the water goes deep yellow from the oxide that the peroxide formed out of the metallic silver, vs the ionic. [if you used too much and let it run a long time] There are at least 5 configurations of silver oxide, some destroyed by peroxide, some made by it.


At 01:03 AM 12/16/2013 -0500, you wrote:

Silver nanoparticles provide for replenishment of silver ions needed by the
body to boost immunity.   Adding H2O2 to CS oxidizes (burns up)
the nanoparticles prematurely.

CS should have some color to show presence of nanoparticles.

Silver nanoparticles filter out the blue wavelength in visible light, leaving the
natural gold color and active nanoparticles.   Oxygen responds to the blue
wavelength and is the source of our immunity.

Otto Warburg got the Nobel Prize in 1931 for proving cancer is caused
by oxygen deficiency and excess of protons (acids).

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