Judy wrote: . a 55 year old male friend is pretty certain he has HPV (human
papillomavirus)  throat cancer, and goes for first medical appointments this
coming week. His history and symptoms certainly indicate the probability.


I told him I would contact your good minds immediately.  Please help if you
can... this is a good person with a long history of thoughtful living and
positive concern for other people, and I'm very fond of him. A third son, so
to speak.




I would investigate using a combination DMSO and chaparral tincture. When I
made my tincture, I took a whole bunch of dried chaparral leaves and
tinctured them in DMSO for a few months. However, you can do this for a few
weeks. The resulting mix is a potent anti-viral, anti-fungal, and to a
lesser extent anti-bacterial solution. The DMSO draws the plant compounds
into solution, and it also has the added benefit of bringing whatever is
smaller than its own molecular structure, through the skin directly into the


I would liberally paint such a tincture directly onto the neck and throat,
several times a day. Since DMSO is drying to the skin, emu oil or coconut
oil would be soothing and help moisturize the skin again.


Lugol's iodine can be painted directly onto the skin, for superb germicidal
effects. (Lubricating with moisturizers afterwards is a good idea as well.)


Black salve, also known as Cansema, is made by a few herbalists. Email me
off-list and I'll give you the name of a supplier I know. While most Cansema
formulas are meant for topical use only on very evident cancer, some Cansema
formulas can be ingested. However, I'd try the chaparral. We collect
chaparral here in the American Southwest desert, but you can also purchase
it from herbal shops.


As for diet: juicing carrot, celery, cucumber, a small amount of beet, and a
whole lemon is a wonderful combination-a refreshing drink and very healing.


All the best,



Nenah Sylver, PhD

author, the NEW Rife Handbook (2011)

Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy (2004)

VoiceBio and Biomodulator certification

 <http://www.nenahsylver.com/> www.nenahsylver.com ;
<http://www.rifehandbook.com/> www.rifehandbook.com  


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