Thank you everyone who has responded to my post, I have some questions about 
using CS, but first I'll tell you what I would be using it for.

I am 27 years old, and have Cystic Fibrosis.  I am in good health right now, 
mostly because I avoid dr.s like the plague!  :-)  I have a fairly resistant 
pseudomonus (sp?) infection which I received in the early 80's from my brother 
(who also had CF) This summer I started experimenting with herbal remedies like 
fenugreek, which has significantly improved my lungs (and quite possibly 
returned the sense of smell which I lost in 1988).  In late Sept I was on Cipro 
(antibiotic) for my pseudomonus because I turned myself in with bronchitis.  
That did seem to beat the infection back some, but 3 weeks later it is alive & 
well.  The bronchitis left me with some scarring in my bronchial tubes (I'm 
assuming because of the blood I was coughing up with it)  and even still there 
is some blood streaked occasionally in the phlegm.  I've got some questions 
about using CS and I'm hoping you all can help me find the answers.

1.    How do you know what concentration of CS you are using, whether you 
generate it yourself or buy it bottled?

2.    Are there ways (cultures etc.) that you can determine if the CS is 
actually going to be effective against the bacteria you want it to kill off?

3.    Do you need to replace the "good" bacteria's in your body as with 
conventional antibiotics? (acidophilus etc.)        
4.    What is the risk of developing Argyria from using CS?

I am thankful for all advice, although, Lew, you made my head spin with that 
last one, and I think I may have to re read it in small doses to be sure I 
fully digest it!