On 1/1/2014 8:16 AM, silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com wrote:
Sara Mandal-Joy <sara...@valnet.net>
1/1/2014 4:51 AM


Some of us experience physical vibration as new waves of "energy" are coming into our experience of creation. It can literally feel like each cell in our bodies is manifesting a physical level of vibration. It can get intense, but it is organic and transformational. I'm not saying that is what you are experiencing - there could be many reasons and causes for a sensation of vibration. Some of them would be in need of remediation. All I can suggest is giving yourself some quiet time to breathe and feel into your own center. Even - probably especially - if it is a transformational experienced, it does not mean to ignore any feelings you have about the experience - nor to let the emotions override the experience. Just notice, pay attention, breathe, and see what comes up. Just a suggestion. Sara

Thanks Sara. Maybe we all have this - we're just not aware of it.
