Hi Everyone!

A dear friend who's a musician with CFIDS, is having trouble with tinnitus. I 
KNOW I've filed several posts that cover this over the last year, but haven't 
yet followed through with my New Year's resolution to put them in order (a 
time-consuming task) and I'd love to help her now if possible.

I vaguely remember the mention of Apple Cider Vinegar, Swedish Bitters, and 
some vit. supplements, but don't know the 'how'  and 'how much' of these. 

If anyone out there has some info, I'd be so grateful.  I know how wretched 
this condition can be. She'll be calling later to tell me more specific 
details, but I thought if I could offer her any promising leads when she calls 
it might cheer her up.

Happy New Year Everyone!
Be well,