I learned about this on Ken Uzzell's site. It is down under General on the left side menu. I had already been to the sleep clinics here 4 times, and had OSA at 17 cm water column. They only prescribed CPAP machines, which are noisy, make me dry out and leak causing blowing air on my face. I was looking for an alternative, so I went to a different doctor who makes an oral device that is custom made to keep your lower jaw forward there by keeping your throat open. He told me that my sleep apnea was too severe for his oral device to work, but I insisted that it wasn't as bad as previously determined because of inclined bed therapy. He consented to keep testing me, and I took a set of measuring devices home to use in my own inclined bed. When I saw him, he told me that I don't have sleep apnea, and that making an oral device was not required. I don't use any devices now; just incline the bed.
PS Were you asleep during the discussion on Ken's FreX group when we talked about this? :-)

On 06/01/2014 9:53 PM, Rowena wrote:
Jo, this is so interesting, and I've never heard this before. Not about *sleep apnoea.* Did this come about from your own experimenting or did someone else make the connection between IBT and the apnoea. And what kind of apnoea, obstructive or the kind where your brain simply stops telling your body to breathe for a few minutes?

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