Karl Becker <kwbecker...@gmail.com> wrote: Came across this article about
research showing nano silver particles being harmful to human cells.


Jim Holmes wrote: "Because of the possibility of human exposure to
nanoparticles, there is an urgent need to investigate the molecular
mechanisms underlying the cellular responses that might be triggered."

More pharmacrook scare crap. 



Yeah, the entire article basically is a scare tactic, mixed in with a
"particle" of truth (pun intended). But there are a couple of points worth


The interesting thing is, nowhere in the article could I find the
MEASUREMENTS of these presumed "nano" silver particles. Many marketers are
capitalizing on the nano craze, calling ionic or colloidal particles "nano"
when they aren't. This is important. It's important because most TRUE nano
particles-which are SMALLER than those particles created when we make
colloidal silver-ARE dangerous. 


Nano particles are now used in everything from stained glass (which one
doesn't eat) to cosmetics, which is harmful as these nano particles go right
into the skin. Generally speaking, "nano-izing" a substance changes its
character completely, and usually not for the better. But the industries
that profit from nano-izing never admit that there are any dangers.


So the author of the article is talking out of both sides of his/her mouth.
"Nano-izing" silver is harmful, but "nano-izing" other substances isn't?




Nenah Sylver, PhD

author, the NEW Rife Handbook (2011)

Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy (2004)

VoiceBio and Biomodulator certification

 <http://www.nenahsylver.com> www.nenahsylver.com;
<http://www.rifehandbook.com> www.rifehandbook.com 

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