Sounds like 'secret squirrel' business to me, it also indicates how much 
information they *haven't* published.  Just a headline grabber...EXTRA, EXTRA, 
They say 'interfere' whereas I would say it 'override' rendering the antibiotic 
redundant, but then I guess that's actually what they were testing for but 
forgot to mention that.
That's like our TGA telling me that their information comes from the internet - 
WHAT THE...???  That's a reliable source to repeat to the public I'm sure, 
especially when they failed to answer my questions regarding the "predominantly 
ionic silver solution" as produced using LVDC electrolysis.  As with most 
'authorities?' or 'studies?' it's a bit of a giveaway and just shows how much 
they *don't* know!

> From:
> Date: Sat, 19 Apr 2014 19:56:39 +0930
> To:
> Subject: CS>The evidence for Silver/Antibiotic 'interference'. Theres 
> probably none.
> You may have read on the NCCAM website or on Wikipedia that ''silver  
> may interfere with the absorption of some antibiotics (thereby  
> reducing their effectiveness.).
> This claim has intrigued me for some time so I have tried to follow  
> it up. Googling produced no answers. Neither did searching the PubMed  
> website. So I emailed the NCCAM and requested a reference for the  
> claim. They emailed back and said it comes from the this FDA safety  
> alert...
> SafetyAlertsAdvisories/ucm184087.htm
> The FDA Safety Alert contains no reference for the claim either, so I  
> next emailed the FDA and asked them for a reference.
> Their response was "Please contact the FOI staff at (301) 796-3900 to  
> determine whether the records you are seeking are maintained in the  
> Public Reading Room, Electronic Reading Room, or if the information  
> requires the submission of a FOI request."
> Thats as far as I have gotten so far but interestingly Steve Barwick  
> has pursued the same enquiry with the same response. He claims to  
> have filed an FOI request and is awaiting an answer.
> Regardless, it seems remarkably hard to a find refererence for this  
> quite extraodinary and oft repeated claim.
> Normally I wouldnt trust a word that Stave Barwick writes but in this  
> case he produces what I think is quite a reasonable and informative  
> article that corresponds closely with my own experience. You may find  
> it interesting...
> with-the-absorption-of-certain-medications.shtml
> Regards
> David