Hi There Ode - And duality rules the planet !!!!!    I so love your way of 
expressing yourself very apt !!!!
Enough kudos your head may end up too big for your hat !!!!
Warmest regards
Attitude is everything !!!
Sandra George
Colloidal Silver Products
Eye Drops & Topical Gel

On 8 Jun 2014, at 07:49, Ode Coyote <odecoy...@silverpuppy.com> wrote:

  I find it amazing that people claiming their freedom, so often tie their 
activities to getting permission from the very people they say are controlling 

Freedom = a longer leash ?

Exlaxia Excremetia 
[If ya gots the runs, take another laxative....sooner or later, you'll run 
out... problem solved. ]
"If it has never worked, do it harder..... preferably to someone else"  [ I 
gots the runs, but it's your s**t ? ]

Blame [ I'm trying to control you into controlling me MY way ? ] and personal 
responsibility [your independent point of power] are polar opposites.


At 08:41 AM 6/7/2014 -0400, you wrote:
> Hi there Ode thought you would be quick on the draw with this one - CMA is 
> the bottom line which is why I feel privileged to have learned how to make my 
> own for me and those I care for - this one says all the positive and 
> negatives we have all discussed here over the years - so as far as I am 
> concerned if I never sell another ounce of my CS I know how to take care of 
> me - you and others here have my sincere  gratitude and thanks for all 
> guidance over the years
> Take good care of you
> Warmest regards
> Sandee🐬
> Attitude is everything
> Alive Again Colloidal Silver
> Eye drops & Topical Gel
> aliveagai...@yahoo.com
> On Jun 7, 2014, at 8:23 AM, Ode Coyote <odecoy...@silverpuppy.com> wrote:
> Anti-establisment propaganda.
> Before it's news, before it's fact checked.
> Lyme disease, for example, wasn't formally recognized until the 1970s even 
> though it affects thousands of people each year. In 2009, there were 30,000 
> confirmed cases of Lyme disease in the United States, according to the 
> Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Humans acquire the disease when 
> bitten by ticks that carry Borrelia bacteria. But because it has symptoms 
> that overlap with many other disorders including rash, aches, fatigue and 
> fever Lyme disease is often misdiagnosed.
> The oldest documented case of Lyme disease in humans comes from the famous 
> 5,300-year-old ice mummy dubbed Ötzi, discovered in the Eastern Alps about 
> 20 years ago. In a 2012 study detailed in the journal Nature Communications, 
> scientists said they found genetic material for the Borrelia bacteria in the 
> iceman.
> "Before he was frozen in the glacier, the iceman was probably already in 
> misery from Lyme disease," Poinar said. "He had a lot of health problems and 
> was really a mess."
> ####
>  I've found no evidence that the FDA has ever banned the use of silver.
> They merely say "Not proven safe and effective"  [also not DIS proven ] 
> therefore cannot be promoted or labeled as a treatment for a disease. [ IOW 
> doesn't meet their definition of "drug" and in the same context, isn't 
> regulated as such ]
> ..... you can use it any way you want under your OWN definitions. [without " 
> permission " ], but if you define it as per THEIR definitions, they will jump 
> on you...not for the Silver, but for usurping their power of definitions.
> If it works, the FDA is completely irrelevant.
> If it doesn't, ya can't sue anyone.
> All asses covered.
> ....which is the whole point of not 'approving' [without DIS approving]
> ie:  "We don't know, no one is paying us to find out and we see no 
> significant reason to find out on our own.. *as you will*, kiddies, if you 
> ask us, we'll just say no to cover our asses...so don't ask. "
> Isn't all this like depending on mainstream science to prove God while asking 
> them if you can go to church?
> No one has outlawed Faith Healing...only the claims made.
> Ode
> At 09:59 PM 6/6/2014 -0400, you wrote:
>> http://beforeitsnews.com/survival/2014/06/everything-about-colloidal-silver-2525710.html
> <96913ee.jpg> 
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