Try  eating  goats and/or sheeps yogurt or kefir to re-establish the
good bacteria.
Mixed  with honey  (manuka is wonderful) it is very tasty...nothing
offensive in the least.

On 7/27/14, Dee <> wrote:
> Thanks Ode, I just needed to hear from someone who knows as I have gotten
> 'out of the loop' so to speak....dee
> Sent from my iPad
>> On 27 Jul 2014, at 12:44, Ode Coyote <> wrote:
>> If I recall correctly, "Purest Colloids" is Frank Keys Meso-Silver
>> What he did is feed someone ionic silver and test for ionic silver in the
>> blood using an ion selective probe...he found none.
>> What he DOESN'T say is what he DID find. [And Frank does have what it
>> takes to find nearly anything]
>>,  you would think that if it was any [negatively] different from what
>> he finds with Meso-Silver, that would be a selling point for Meso-Silver
>> worth mentioning.
>> Frank also doesn't say that EIS doesn't work.
>> Perhaps no matter what you put in, the body conspires to turn it into the
>> same thing and It has a million ways to do anything, seeing as it's an
>> intelligent chemical soup.
>> My niece has systemic Candida.  She says EIS hasn't cured it, but holds it
>> at bay well enough.
>> If the overgrowth is localized where a concentrated dose can get to
>> it...EIS CS might do the job.
>> Ode
>>> On 7/26/2014 12:52 PM, Dee wrote:
>>> Hi all, as I'm a bit rusty regarding EIS I did a bit of surfing and came
>>> across an article called PurestColloids.  This basically rubbishes EIS as
>>> useless so although I know this war has been waged, can someone explain
>>> why EIS isn't ? ...dee
>>> Sent from my iPad
>>>> On 26 Jul 2014, at 14:10, Dee <> wrote:
>>>> This is interesting about the baking soda Ode, my husband had to have
>>>> his bladder removed and since then, he keeps getting kidney infections.
>>>> Is this what causes the burning pain, because he's thinking it's his
>>>> stomach? He's also having difficulty swallowing and I think he may have
>>>> a candida overgrowth due to so many anti-biotics.  I've given him
>>>> Oregano (oil of) for this but would CS help with this do you think?
>>>> ...dee
>>>> Sent from my iPad
>>>>> On 26 Jul 2014, at 11:21, Ode Coyote <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I treated a UTI by first drinking some baking soda water to neutralize
>>>>> stomach acid, preventing the instant formation of Silver Chloride
>>>>> The by products are Carbon Dioxide gas and Salt.
>>>>> The Salt enters the blood stream and makes the body want more water to
>>>>> flush it out.
>>>>> Drink a half cup of CS [EIS]  soon after the baking soda water to
>>>>> quench the thirsty blood....takes it straight to the kidneys, bladder
>>>>> and on out.
>>>>> Did that 3 times and within 6 hours, symptoms were near normal, MUCH
>>>>> [VASTLY]  reduced pain and burning.... and bloody red urine was back to
>>>>> yellow, albeit a cloudy yellow
>>>>> Ode
>>>>>> On 7/26/2014 4:56 AM, Dee wrote:
>>>>>> Hello all, it is a while since I was on the list due to many
>>>>>> circumstances.  I have had many problems since leaving, mainly my
>>>>>> husbands health.  His latest problem is another kidney infection which
>>>>>> the doctors have given him anti biotic for. The trouble is, he is
>>>>>> having trouble swallowing them and they also make him sick. I was
>>>>>> wondering if anyone has treated this with EIS and what would the dose
>>>>>> be?  Hoping you are all well and that someone can help.
>>>>>> Dee
>>>>>> Sent from my iPad
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