I guess using that logic, then scurvy could not be treated with Vitamin C as
scurvy has significant hemorrhagic issues with capillary destruction.  Eh?
Be careful what you read. 




From: Melly Bag [mailto:tita_...@yahoo.com] 
Sent: Monday, August 4, 2014 9:54 AM
To: crock_lakhov...@yahoogroups.com; Silver-list
Subject: CS>EBOLA - warning on Vit C


Here is a part of a post from another yahoogroup.  I did not print the
source as i do not have permission from him.  I put it here as a precaution
to the Ebola remedy i posted the other day.



"To help clarify, there is a misunderstanding regarding "Vitamin C" and
treating hemorrhagic issues.  

Microbleeds in the brain should not be treated with ascorbic acid or similar
Vitamin C derivatives.  Not only does it "NOT" strengthen capillaries and
veins but may in fact weaken them through depleting copper.  Copper helps to
strengthen capillaries and veins.  

The Vitamin C bioflavanoid Rutin is what strengthens the capillaries and
veins preventing hemorrhages and microbleeds.  One will get small amounts of
rutin when eating "foods" that contain Vitamin C however.

This is a very important distinction as one would not want to take large
doses of ascorbic acid or similar thinking one will prevent a hemorrhage or
microbleeds. "