Hello all,
Now I am all set to make my own EIS, using my own generator.I am staying in 
Pune, India and purchasing readymade machine is out of question.
I took a pyrex 500 ml glass beaker.
Pure silver wire 999, diameter 2.5 mm length 300 mm two lengths.
Bent them into a big U each with U half diameter 50 mm,
Took a plastic jar lid, drilled four small holes and 
fitted the silver Us into them, separating the Us about 50mm
Took a 9 volt battery and a 10k ohm 1/4 watt resister and wired the circuit.
Filled the beaker almost full and now to start the brewing. 
My question is, how long should I run the brew ?
I yet don't have stirring, which I will have to do manually using a plastic 
Have I done all this correctly ? Or anything needs to change ?
Please reply,