Hello Lester's... in  March 2014 the following came down the pike from
Tara. I lost the thread. I'd like to know the amounts and protocol for
taking these two herbs. Thanks  Larry

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05 Mar 2014 14:33:14 -0800

Just  a comment  regarding that hormone  supplementation.
About  a year ago my hair was getting so  thin I was  in danger  of being bald.
Typical little old  lady  syndrome  I  guess but I didn't like  it  much.
A  friend suggested  I  start  taking some Maca Root along with the
Eclipta Alba I  was  taking.
My hair  started to  regrow so that the new hair growth was noticeable
after  two months.
My hairline hasn't been this  full  since  I was  a teenager  and my
eyebrows are becoming noticeble again.
This combination of  herbs are  wonderful.
A few years ago  I  was under a tremendous stress and this seems  to
be what I need  to  recover  from it.
I guess I should mention I'm still healing from  a  root canal that
went bad and I didn't have the  tooth  removed so  I've had  to  earn
how to just deal with it  all.
The CS as a sinus rinse was the start of my healing  adventure...but I
cannot  reccommend those  two herbs highly enough for  the hormone
balencing effect.
Best wishes

Larry Tankersley; Gainesville, Fl. U.S.A.