Lola, Just make sure the honey is not heated above about 108 degrees F, as Ayurveda says that it becomes toxic. This means that it wasn't heated by the farmer for extraction or pasteurization or you by putting it in hot water.
The toxicity affects Pitta and the eyes are a Pitta organ. Alan My DMSO is also 30% distilled water with a little honey added and I still dilute it by 40 - 50% (eyeballing it) for topical application and, for ingesting.. about 1 tb to 4 - 5 ozs distilled water. But I am chicken so would probably add a very, very diluted DMSO to any eye application. Lola H. -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Rules and Instructions: Unsubscribe: <> Archives: Off-Topic discussions: <> List Owner: Mike Devour <>