Beck says don't use Sterling silver because Nickel is toxic.
Sterling is by definition, 90% silver 10% copper...just like pre US 1965 coins. It contains no Nickel. "Nickel Silver" aka "German Silver", on the other hand, contains no Silver at all.

Next, the electricity. Bob shows how to use a simple nine-volt battery in his research. Basically, anything that produces a voltage will do the trick. We like to use the 27-volt constant voltage output because it is very constant. The nine-volt battery is the survivalist's way of doing it if you want to have it on your person. If you are buying colloidal silver and it's made electrically, stored in dark amber glass bottles, and you know that it was made using Bob's specifications, then I would say it's a good colloid. But why pay money to someone when you can do it yourself and make an endless number of gallons? [SOTA instruments now uses controlled current, FINALLY realizing that Voltage is nearly irrelevant except to where lowering it as the process progresses, can keep Current constant. 1997 was a 'while ago' ]

/LE: How long can you store this solution?/

Russ: About two years if it is stored correctly. It is extremely susceptible to light and must be kept in dark amber bottles. [Not..unless you used a buffer such as salt or baking soda to 'get things going' "Silver" is NOT photo-reactive...many silver compounds are]
 Bob recommends, ideally, that you drink it fresh.
[Agreed, due to the Alkaline water made which is very similar in action to the Ozonated water he speaks of...both having a highly reactive single Oxygen atom that wants to be diatomic O2. I would think the best place to get an extra O is from a very small organism or unstable a virus/bacterium or a weakened cancer cell..essentially "burning" it.


On 10/12/2014 7:31 PM, TJ Garland wrote:

“Progressivism is a mindset that favors the use of aggressive government force to solve social problems.” James Ostrowski

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