Is that Biofilm?

*Biofilm:*An aggregate of microbes with a distinct architecture. A biofilm is like a tiny city in which microbial cells, each only a micrometer or two long, form towers that can be hundreds of micrometers high. The "streets" between the towers are really fluid-filled channels that bring in nutrients, oxygen and other necessities for live biofilm communities.

Biofilms form on the surface of catheter lines and contact lenses. They grow on pacemakers, heart valve replacements, artificial joints and other surgical implants. The CDC (Centers for Disease Control) estimate that over 65% of nosocomial (hospital-acquired) infections are caused by biofilms.

Bacteria growing in a biofilm are highly resistant to antibiotics, up to 1,000 times more resistant than the same bacteria not growing in a biofilm. Standard antibiotic therapy is often useless and the only recourse may be to remove the contaminated implant.

Fungal biofilms also frequently contaminate medical devices. They cause chronic vaginal infections and lead to life-threatening systemic infections in people with hobbled immune systems.

Biofilms are involved in numerous diseases. For instance,cystic fibrosis <>patients have Pseudomonas infections that often result in antibiotic resistant biofilms.

On 10/23/2014 8:00 AM, Sandra George wrote:
Because of my own experience with this Chickenguyna virus I have been sent back 
into my past   for answers - As I understand the research into virus - a virus 
encases itself as protection - this is why EIS cannot get to kill them - oxygen 
therapy - either ozone or hydrogen peroxide - does what ?   Are these 
modalities carriers which can penetrate the virus shields taking the EIS WITH 
THEM TO KILL?   If this is so then using oxygen therapy along with EIS would be 
the death to any virus - please confirm or explain how EIS is successful in 
virus treatment which it has been proven in the case of HIV, Ebola, and more, 
which is not discussed openly or admitted to by those who would not benefit 
It is time for the truth or as near to as is possible
Attitude is everything
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