Hi Folks,
seems to be quite an issue over MMS and other products used to eliminate
disease..It is very obvious that some people on this list has not done any research
into MMS, Sodium Chlorite and other protocols used by the genesis 2 church..
I would suggest that you do some ..I have seen hundreds of people who have recovered from many deadly diseases using MMS..It has nothing to do with Chlorine which is carcinogenic
but it does share the name chlorine..they are completely different..
Jim Humble is a very sincere person who has helped thousands to recover from the disease all over the world..He makes no money from MMS but does from the books and things he sells.. There has been more then twenty million bottles of MMS used since it was invented in the year 2000.. and no one has been harmed by it except for some diahrea and stomache pain which proves it is working.... and as you know...Ebola is coming and you will need every bit of help you can get to save yourself from this deadly virus..It has been weaponized for biowarfare to kill a lot of people and I understand MMS and Colloidal Silver are very effective against it..A lot of things have been found about Ebola or hemorrhagic fever
in the last two weeks..World depopulation is the issue with ebola.
Don't take a dislike to Jim Humble and MMS..but visit this website to learn more about it..You will be glad you did...
I hope this helps

-----Original Message----- From: Sara Mandal-Joy
Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2014 7:16 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>Jim Humble

I don't like his "religion" either - and I think he could do a whole lot
for a whole lot if he chose to give the research data, the specifics...
which he really hasn't done.    However, that being said, he HAS
described the science of it.  And there are many bright minds out there
who have verified what he has to say.  It is not bleach.  Simple
chemistry will tell you that.  I seem to be highly sensitive to it, and
never got over one drop at a  time - my herx reactions are intense, and
that was all I could  tolerate.  I have put it on the back burner as  a
must have first aid item, and "in case of".  Some bright minds are
saying that the combo of MMS and CS is the most efficient/effective way
of treating ebola.     Does Humble's non-humble archbishopry make me
want to barf?  Absolutely!!  But that does not mean MMS is worthless?
No.  My inner guides and my reading/study have told me it is an
important thing to have available.  I only have a little, just enough
for personal use, but one doesn't need a lot of it.

I must say it really angers me  when anyone - like Jim Humble - makes
their product THE answer to the world's problems.  Certain brands of CS
do the same thing.  And it feeds the feds' reactions to such
products.    BUT just because the feds say MMS is a fraud - as they say
of CS, it doesn't mean it is so.   And it angers me when people take up
that rhetoric, especially people who are benefitted by CS.

I will also say, in defense of Humble.  I think he's always had a
non-humble attitude.  But his religiousity I think came as a way to
protect his product from being made illegal and confiscated.  By
declaring his company a church, and his distributors priests or
ministers or whatever, and his product as a sacrament, he was trying to
get around being completely shut down.  He wanted what he "believes"
(therefore the church) is a miracle product to not be again confiscated
by the feds.    Prety out of the box thinking.    I'm not sure how
honest it is, although I think he has convinced himself it is a matter
of faith and principle as much as a matter of science.  I'm not sure
either how effective his defensive stance will be in the long run - in
part because of his ego, and how his pompous attitude turns folks off.
He's already defrocked and escommunicated one of his "priests" because
he altered the teachings in some way from Humble's presentation.  What a
drama.   Anyways, my 2 cents.  Sara

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