OK thanks Ron 

From: Ron 
Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2014 4:46 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
Subject: CS>Re: cs Jim Humble - ADMIT?

Sent this as a reply but it didn't hit the archives so................

Kinda pushing it there AJR.
I should just let this pass but I gotta say that you and I define "necessary 
research" differently.
I get it that; to you it means going to the official website and believing 
everything it tells me.
The point with Red Cross is well taken as there is a lot to criticize there.
Hospital in Romania sounds big but that actually means nothing. A two bed 
clinic? What?
I am not saying it ain't true I'm just saying that.....Well you know what I'm 
If it helps folks then great! My jury is still out. Not as out as it was 

On 10/29/2014 8:35 AM, AJR wrote:

Hi Ron 
Well it nice for you to admit that you have not done the necessary 
research but came to your own conclusion...Many people gather an 
opinion from different sources and we always look for the truth which is 
sometimes a little hard to find..Jim Humble is more of an Icon now and all of 
the work is being done by Mark Gagnon who is a archbishop in the church.. 
They hold training semanars around the world to teach people to cure disease.. 
There is an Hospital in Romania that uses only MMS to cure disease..You can go 
and they will treat you and all they require is a donation after you have 
Look at the International Red Cross in Africa and their cure for Malaria..you 
can see the video 
on Youtube made by the Red Cross on Location..Then they denied that they were 
ever there.. 
Big Pharmacy said they would not supply any antiviral drugs to the country if 
they told their story.. 
The Big issue with MMS is ``IF IT WORKS!`` and I can assure you that it really 
Best Regards 

-----Original Message----- From: Ron 
Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2014 12:04 PM 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
Subject: Re: CS>Jim Humble 

No no no  I am just an old retired ne'er-do-well that read from many 
sources on the internet and formed an opinion. It seemed that the only 
thing I could find positive was from Humble himself and his, please 
pardon the expression, worshipers. 
I am glad to hear from folks here that they have had success with MMS. 
So many folks, once they have bought into these things, do defend them 
out of all reason but this is a very reasonable group. 

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